Monday, May 16, 2016

DoD Movie Night: The Hunger Dialectic

Next week the DoD Film and Deviance Group will screen “The Hunger Dialectic.”  Set in the early 21st century land of Normal Philosophy, this dystopian tale focuses on the mad spectacle of the Hunger Dialectic, a contest in which young tributes are conscripted into an artificial environment (called “Blog”) in which basic empathy, order, and human decency must be abandoned.  Young tributes are given perverse incentive to decline all solidarity with their peers and instead struggle to kill and maim each other verbally in an effort to survive or at least look more clever than others.  In a plot element that will come as a surprise to no deviants, the kids in District Unranked have it hardest, having the fewest resources and being the most distant from the fabled capital of Secure Employment and Peer Respect. 

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