DoD is delighted to announce its second installment in this year’s job market
mentoring workshops. As ever, our
sessions focus on how to secure employment as a Deviant in a world gone Normal. Our second session will feature mock interviews
and we are delighted to announce that Professor Pierre Menard has agreed to reprise
his now legendary performance as That
Guy. For those who missed last
year’s rendition, just a few teasers:
That Guy will ask whether, despite your
deviance, you can talk to Normal people, in their language and
That Guy will want to be reassured that while
you will eagerly teach every single last thing not addressed in the Normal
curriculum (preferably in a single course), you have no designs on the
curriculum itself and are happy to have nothing you teach be required.
That Guy will want to know whether anything you
study is actually intelligible, because he read something once and didn’t think
it was.
That Guy will have some pet theory he’ll want to
pursue with you, whether it be benign explanations of an exceedingly narrow
canon or stories about how non-white and/or non-male people have lots of better
things to do than study Normality.
That Guy will want to make sure that if you are non-white
and/or non-male, you’re not, like, an angry revolutionary about it.
That Guy will unironically free associate about
your subject matter while also opining on the critical importance of high
standards of rigor.
That Guy will somehow slip into conversation
the fact that “not everyone” in the department is convinced they need a
he’s not actually talking, That Guy will
doodle on his notepad while occasionally sighing theatrically.
can never be sure just what That Guy
will do and this uncertainty is only half the adventure! The rest of it is figuring out how to respond
while neither laughing nor crying. So,
come to this session and marvel at That
Guy while also learning valuable techniques of self-control and tactical
conversational evasion.
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